Room Transfers

Room transfers requested prior to the opening of school in the fall will be permitted on a space-available basis only. Once the academic year begins, room changes will not occur during a semester.

Room Transfer Appeal

Some extenuating circumstances (e.g., health concerns, safety issues, etc.) may necessitate a room change prior to the end of a semester. If a student believes their situation may require an exception to the room transfer policy, they may contact their RD to begin the appeal process.  Room Transfer Appeal forms will be reviewed by a committee on an as-needed basis.  Appeals will be considered on one or more of the following grounds:

1.  New information not available or not previously considered regarding your housing situation.

2.  Documented physical or emotional concerns that are affected by the current room placement.

3.  Threat or harm to a student’s physical well-being.

Room transfer process: Any pursuit of a room transfer must begin with the RA or RD. Requests initiated by anyone other than the resident will not be considered. Room changes will only be set in motion once a resident director has observed evidence of good-faith efforts to resolve any issue(s) (e.g., completing a Roommate Agreement Form, setting up a roommate meeting with your RA, etc.)

If a room transfer is determined to be appropriate, the RD will direct the student to complete the proper form (Room Transfer Appeal or Mid-Year Room Transfer Request). Students are expected to work with staff to identify available room transfer options. All room changes require the prior permission of both the current and future (if applicable) resident directors. If students change rooms without following proper procedure, they will be required to return to their previous housing until the appropriate procedure is followed and/or an improper checkout fine will be assessed.

Mid-year room transfer policy: Students who believe they have a compelling reason for moving rooms mid-year (during finals week of December or Interim break of January) must contact their RD to receive the Mid-Year Room Transfer Request form. There are two deadlines to submit this form; before November 16th to move during finals week of December or before January 8 to move over the January Interim break.

Students must identify an open room that they desire to move into before they submit the request.  Requests will be reviewed by a committee. Before students pursue a room transfer, they should consider that there may be a better solution to resolving a situation than moving rooms.


Related Policies and Resources:

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