<script type="text/javascript">
    var spartezSupportChat = {
        url: 'https://jira.bethel.edu',
        portal: 1,
        //meta: [ // optional, custom metadata to store in the issue created from conversation.
        //    { render: true, name: "Value Name 1", value: val1 }, // "render" values will be displayed in the chat dashboard
        //    { render: false, name: "Value Name 2", value: val2 },
        // delay: 100, // delay between page load and chat load in milliseconds
        // container: 'spartez-support-chat-container', // ID of the page element that will be replaced by chat
        iconClass: 'my-chat-icon-class'
        // chatClass: '', // additional class added to the chat widget
        // locale: 'en-us' // force a specified locale for displaying texts to the user instead of detecting it from the browser
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://jira.bethel.edu/download/resources/com.spartez.jira.plugins.support-chat/frontend/js/chat.js"></script>

Welcome to the Bethel University ITS Support Site. To get started, use the search bar in the upper right or click on an icon below. 



If you can't find what you need here or need extra support, submit a request on sevice.bethel.edu give us a call at (651) 638-6500, email us, or come see us in RC 419 (map).


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Help Desk Location and Hours

Location: RC 419 (Robertson Center)

3900 Bethel Dr. Arden Hills, MN 55038

Summer Hours:

Sunday: Closed

Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm

Saturday: Closed

September - May Hours:

Sunday: 2pm - 6pm

Monday - Thursday: 7:30am - 8pm

Friday: 7:30am - 5pm

Saturday: Closed