Graduate School and the College of Adult & Professional Studies

After registration, changes made to a student’s schedule must be made in consultation with a Student Success Advisor (SSA) at the College of Adult and Professional Studies and Graduate School, or online through Self Service BANNER. Please note that changes may affect financial aid status. Before the beginning of course and during its first week, the student may drop the course and receive a full refund. After the first week of the course, the student may withdraw from the course and receive a partial refund, depending on when the request for withdrawal is made. Before the beginning of the course and until the Sunday after the first day of the course, the student may drop the course and receive a full refund. Beginning the Monday after the first day of the course, the student may withdraw from the course and receive a partial refund, depending on when the request for withdrawal is made. The first day of the course is always Monday, regardless of when or whether the course meets. This start date can be viewed in Self-Service Banner by going to Student > Registration > Student Detail Schedule.

If the request is made:

On or before the Sunday after the first day of the course - 100% Refund
On or before the Sunday after the second day of the course - 50% Refund
On or before the Sunday after the third day of the course - 25% Refund
The week of the fourth day of the course and after - No Refund

Whether the course has met in a given week or meets on a different day of the week than Monday shall not affect the refund schedule. Students are permitted to withdraw from a course until the end of the week (Sunday) in which 60% of the course has elapsed.

For specific withdrawal and refund dates, see the Drop & Withdrawal Refund Schedule