
This page has information about Polycom phones and the web portal you can use to manage your phone. Here are resources to help you with your become familiar with your Polycom phone and AiTech webpage. These resources combine Confluence articles and videos.

Setting up your voicemail

  1. Voicemail

Getting to know your phone

  1. Familiarize yourself with the functions of your new phone using the manual for your: 

    1. Polycom VVX310 (with a black and white screen) or 

    2. Polycom VVX410 (with a color screen)

  2. Adjusting Call or Ring Volume

  3. Using the Contact Directory

  4. Holding Calls

  5. Transferring Calls

  6. Muting Calls


  7. Viewing Recent Calls

  8. Using Do Not Disturb

Using Bethel Voicemail

  1. Guide to Listening to Bethel Voicemail

  2. Moving around in Your Bethel Voicemail

  3. Transferring Calls Directly to Voicemail

  4. How to Forward a Voicemail to Another Voice Mailbox 
  5.  If you have forwarded your voicemail to email you may want to bulk delete your voicemails

Going away from the office

  1. Forwarding Calls from your phone. You can use these features to stay in touch or direct your calls to other helpful people.

  2. Changing your Voicemail message to an away greeting. Let people know when you will be available again.

Controlling your phone and number using the web interface

You will receive a generic password in order to log in the first time to the AiTech web portal. Once you have logged in you will need to change your password to something that makes sense for you.

  1. Introduction to the AiTech Website. Background information about what you can do with the self-service web portal.

  2. Forwarding Calls on your Polycom Phone using the Web Portal. Sometimes you are not available to take calls, this feature lets you route calls to you number to help your callers.

  3. Setting up Do Not Disturb on your Polycom Phone Using the Web Portal. If you are not at your desk and you need to make your calls go directly to voice mail.

  4. Changing Your Polycom Phone Voicemail Password Using the Web Portal. Sometimes you need to change your voice mail password.